Baby Shopping, Lunch and then the Purse Party. We had a ball looking at TINY baby things and then eating HUGE pieces of cake at Ed's Deli and Esther tempted all of us with beautiful purses.
HAND ME DOWNS!!!! YEAH!!!!! I am so thankful for hand me downs. Plankton is going to be one well dressed baby and he is "going green" without evening knowing it. Baby clothing recycles so well....
Gay Bingo! A bunch of us dressed up for "Double Wide, one man's trash is another man's treasure" It's bingo with a twist! It was HILARIOUS and I can't wait to go I look trashy or what? (yes the cigarettes are CANDY....duh)
Oh and here is what Plankton is up to:
Your baby measures about 7.6 inches (19.3cm) and weighs about 12.3 ounces (349g). The muscles are getting stronger every week now, and the eyelids and eyebrows are developed. Your baby's acrobatics are pretty constant, and since he responds to sound, rhythm and melody, you can try singing and talking to him. After he's born, the same sounds will soothe him.