Third Trimester- 28 weeks
I can't believe how quickly our pregnancy is flying by. The first trimester seemed to drag on forever and now the 2nd trimester is already gone. We have been very busy with work and so that sure makes the time fly.

(here we are last year at a Cousin's Wedding)
On Sept 23rd 1994 Jason and I attended the Monroe Community College Leadership Retreat. Jason said he fell in love with me on the bus ride to the retreat....I was alseep so I don't remember. We met that night during the ice breakers....well, several of us met, including TWO guys named Jason. By the first night it was obvious MY Jason and I had so much in common. We traded phone numbers written on smooth flat Lake Ontario Rocks (Jason was so creative even then, how could I forget a guy who wrote his number on a rock?), we cuddled around the campfire (he gave me his flannel shirt to keep me warm) and walked along the beach discovering we had a lot in common. Within three months of dating Jason made me a promise anklet (remember friendship bracelets?), and I didn't take it off until our wedding day two years later. We were officially engaged on the same beach where we met two years earlier and eight weeks after our engagement we were married. Some folks thought we were having a shot gun wedding.....HA! It took us 12 more years to get "knocked up". I can hardly believe it's been 14 years since we met.....time sure flies where you are having fun and we have had some FUN!

Happy Birthday Esther!
Our Wednesday Knitters Group has so much to celebrate! Today we had cake, dinner and then DELICIOUS frozen yogurt to help Esther celebrate her birthday. Over the past year this group has been getting together to knit at Yarn and Stitches. We have all become like a family. We celebrate the occasions together, support each other thru the stressful days and eat chocolate together when there are no words....Lately there has been a lot of celebrating. Overcoming infertility, pregnancy, birthdays, family triumph etc.
I just can't thank these ladies enough for helping me to keep my sanity over the past year. Not just during the stress but also in helping me to celebrate this pregnancy. I really needed that! I have needed all the celebration.....Knitting really is therapeutic when you have knit sisters like these! Wait til Plaknton meets his "Aunties"!