Here I am in "Knitting Aunt Heaven". Camping and knitting with my furry children. Don't we look happy? This was before all the rain. DH and I have not been camping in months due to the RAIN and mud and mosquitos. I am determined to get us out of town in August and begin camping again in the fall. We are happiest when camping.
On the knitting front, I have been taking classes from The Knitting Fairy: Lace Socks, Tips and Techniuqes, Don't Despair, Repair and most recently design your own T-shirt sweater. The classes have really improved my knitting and mostly my confidence. I can hardly wait to WEAR my t-shirt sweater in all it's purply goodness (see above photo of WIP).
I have taken up GOLF. It's harder than I expected and more fun too. DH and I bought clubs (mine are purple, of course) and the package is called Philosphy, isn't that nice? So I have to develop a philosophy for golf (maybe Lise and I can work together since she is working on her knitting philosophy) and DH's are called Vanquish. So while I am contemplating Zen things like our golf philosophy, he will be busy VANQUISHing the opponents. :-D I am looking forward to another hobby with my DH, we have so much fun together camping, crafting and discussing....well, everything, that Golf sounded good for us. He is VERY athletic and I am not, so this sport is something we can both do together without either of us feeling too left in the dust. He is just ecstatic that I said "Hubby, I want to learn golf". It took us only a couple of weeks to buy clubs, find free golf clinics and plan a golf get away together.
I think Knitting and Golf go well together. Both require concentration, focus, coordination and provide delightful inspiration for the senses. Both are great by yourself but better with a group of friends.
I have blogged......check! I am off to work on the other zillion things on my to do list for today some for work (phone calls to patients, vendors and advertisers), some for fun (knitting with the Knitting Fairy), some for home (feed the dogs), and lastly for golf (free ladies clinic).....
ta, ta for now.....
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