Anniversary, 8th month and more
Well, I am just going to POST! I keep waiting until I have a photo to share and's just not happening right now. (I am making up for the lack of photos with
entertained okay?)
Jason and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary this past weekend. It's hard to believe we met over 14 years ago. 12 years ago today we were back in school after having had a beautiful wedding and a lovely weekend together. Here we are 12 years later, pregnant, we spent the weekend playing board games and we're back at work.....we're geeks and we're proud!
We usually spend our anniversary weekend at the Board Game Geek Convention and this year we did that but only for two days (usually we stay three or four). We played some AWESOME games including the new B
attlestar Galactica game. It was really good but lasted nearly 4 hours and my brain was mush by the end. I loved learning
Power Grid and I am sure there were others but I can't remember. We got to see old friends and met some new ones too. I also must say that I love the DFW Westin hotel. They have the most
wonderful shower and bed.
I am now officially 8 months pregnant....dang this pregnancy is flying by! We have just 28 more days to go (give or take 14) and I am feeling ready. I have been blessed with a happy and healthy pregnancy. But, I am tired, uncomfortable and ready to HOLD this baby in my arms and not in my abdomen. He is active and likes to head butt my pelvis and kick me in the was cute the first's no longer hurts. I love being pregnant, it's the most amazing, awesome, hard to describe experience ...and now I am done. Which I am really happy about, it means I am making the transition to be ready for birth and motherhood....
We are also preparing for Thanksgiving which will be at our favorite campground again this year. We are heading out on Wednesday and plan to return Friday or Sat depending on the weather and the fishing. We'll participate in the BIG potluck (last year was over 350 people) and this year my family is going to meet us there for the day. There will be several of us and I am looking forward to a day outside, letting the cousins play, the dogs be crazy and the adults relax and visit.
Then I hope we can come home, decorate for Christmas, put the carseat in the car and pack our birth of Monday the baby will be "full-term" and he can come anytime safe and sound.
I also hope to have PHOTOS to post....some from Thanksgiving and some BELLY PHOTOS! :-) I know you are all dying to see how HUGE I am.....but the truth is, I am not really gaining weight.....I have the full permission of my midwife to eat Ice cream, whole milk, and whatever else I would like. She said I don't have to drink Ensure just yet (thank goodness) but that I need CALORIES! (it's so against everything I am used to).....but I am going to do the best I can. I stopped and got a
Frosty on the way home....but then was too full to eat anything else. I'll try again in a couple of hours.
I think that is it for my update.....have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a great Black Friday....