Thanksgiving Day, we were camping at Lake Texoma: here I am showing off the "bump sweater" and socks that I knit to wear during the cooler days of my least I got to wear them together ONCE :-)
Labor began at 4am... 7 days ago....WOW, I can't believe it's already been a week! Jason never missed a beat or a contraction. We worked as a team for 21 hours to bring Plankton into the world.
Plankton spent nearly a week in the Special Needs Nursery. It was scary and then comforting to know how well he was cared for.
We found out on Sat that the reason for the excruciating pain I had been feeling and ignoring after birth was due to a broken tail bone. My little boy KICKS BUTT, it's just too bad it was mine. By Friday I stopped holding him because in the NICU you have to SIT to hold the baby and I just could no longer do it. I would stand behind Jason while he held Plankton....then I went for an Xray Sat morning once we knew that the Neonatologist was on her way with an update that afternoon....I just couldn't leave until then. So, it's broken, nothing we can do but just have a reason for all of my pain and suffering.....and call and ask for SERIOUS drugs....advil wasn't working anyway. So, I am still in a LOT of pain, there is no sitting for me but at least I can get some relief and sleep a bit here and there.
After 5 days under wonderful watchful eyes in the NICU, Plankton was released to us for 24 hours of OUR care while still in the hospital. It was such a sweet moment. We had our OWN room just the three of us for the first time ever (we didn't take a photo we just enjoyed the moment). We all cuddled and mommy cried....
At 11am on Sunday we were officially RELEASED from the hospital! We packed up, dressed Plankton in a warm outfit (including the father/son mommy-made hats), put him in his carseat for the first time and went HOME. Mommy cried again....
We are home, right where we are supposed to be. The trauma is over, our family life has begun. It's sweeter than I could have ever imagined.
WOO-HOO! I'm glad everything is what it's supposed to be. We'll see you soon.
And Auntie Liz cried just reading about it all! I'm so happy y'all are home! Take care of that tailbone - OUCH! When I come over, I'll have a stern talking to him about taking care of his Mommy from now on...
...unfortunately, Auntie Liz is good for stern talking to's...
I'm so glad you are home.
You made me cry too. I'm glad you are all doing well. Take care,
I my gosh, those pics brought tears to my eyes! So glad you all are home and wow Annise, you are one tough chick!
Wow, you take care of yourself! Good to know what's going on though...
Isn't it good to be home? The NICU experience is a unique one, but you are so glad to get out of there!
Cuddle that sweet boy and stay warm!
Congratulations, sweet Annise and constant Jason! And welcome home Plankton! I'm glad you are safely home. Enjoy your sweet babe, and what little sleep you're getting (you really don't need as much as you thought you did!) Looking forward to meeting him soon. Until then, e-kisses! Love, Auntie Teresa
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