I have had all these great ideas for blog posts lately but I keep being interrupted by feeding the baby or peeing before I have to feed again or falling asleep or eating another oreo.
Finally I am able to post....why? Because I CAN'T SLEEP! I am exhausted, but for the first time in over 5 weeks I can't sleep. Maybe it's because hubby is going back to work tomorrow, or I had my first cup of coffee in a VERY long time at 10 am (more than 14 hours ago), or we ate a big dinner after 8pm. Plankton has been sleeping soundly for over two hours....but not me! I went to bed, read, prayed and then laid down to sleep....prayed some more....no luck....so, I decided to relieve hubby from baby duty to let him get a few hours of extra sleep before his first day back to work and here I write. Let's hope tomorrow is not a "no good, terrible, bad day".
Since, I am too exhausted to remember one of my cleaver blog ideas....I have mushy brain...it used to be such a good brain....but now it's mush....I am going to post a bunch of photos I meant to post earlier and we'll pretend this is a great blog post! :-) Photos are what my readers (all four of you) want to see anyway right?

Well, that's it! Plankton is 5 weeks old today. Weeks 1-4 were very hard for all of us. There were days I was sure I wasn't going to survive. But I have had two really good days in a row. Plankton is sleeping better, eating like a little shark, and smiling at us! We celebrated today by going out to lunch as a family of three. Plankton slept the whole time and mommy and daddy enjoyed a lunch out. It was wonderful.....I just might make it after all.....
You are going to be a good Mom when Dad is at work, it just takes time to get into a routine...I remember the no sleep days and they do get behind you and you wonder how did I get through them...Enjoy every minute because they grow up so fast..Hang in there hope to see you real soon...Love Cheryl
You crack me up Annise. I'll be around tomorrow if you need anything!!! :)
Adorable pictures. : )
Hi Annise!
Sorry I'm late to reading and posting your blog! 1st week of internship, and all that! love all the new pics! I love reading about your first walk, and yet another oreo! Hang in there! You are amazing, and will blossom and grow in your Motherhood. Love it! The good, the bad, and the spit up.
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