A blog from an Aunt, who became a Mom, who knits....
Thursday, March 26, 2009
As Promised: More Photos and an update from our Doc visit today
Baby is 13.8 pounds (37% percentile), Head Circ is 16.75 inches (77% percentile) and 25 inches long (63% percentile). Doc says he is well developed, well nourished and alert, active with no apparent distress....other than teething.
I just love the pictures and your comments for each. Those babies are getting so big and are so beautiful. How wonderful to have them be the same age and they will be the best of friends like you guys and Jenny and Stephen are.
He's teething already?? Wow!
Meagan and I have just spent our evening laughing at JJ's videos. MORE!!!!
Just like his mommy, he is good medicine.
Love you!
Alissa and Meagan
Love all the pictures. Your family takes such great photos! And way to grow little man. : )
He is a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e!!!
I love the pictures and hearing about his latest...
ANNISE! http://amerrymishap.blogspot.com/2009/03/diy-crocheted-glass-bottle-cozy.html
Hi Jason, Annise and Plankon,
I just love the pictures and your comments for each. Those babies are getting so big and are so beautiful. How wonderful to have them be the same age and they will be the best of friends like you guys and Jenny and Stephen are.
God Bless you all,
Love ya,
Aunt Elaine
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