Congratulations to our "little brother" John. He graduated from High School last week. We are officially graduates of the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Program....but we got John a Netbook for Graduation so that we can all stay in touch.
"So Proud"
HOWDY GRANDPA!!!! Grandpa hasn't been to visit since JJ was TINY......we're thrilled that he is here.
THANK YOU!!!! To Marc and Michelle who have passed along toys their three beautiful daughters have outgrown.....JJ is thrilled! and so are mom and dad. We won't have to buy anything for a LONG while.
We LOVE to recycle! Especially TOYS!
I'm feeling blessed, this is a fun age and we are all enjoying it very much. Sleep is much better, not great but it's enough to survive on now.....Mom and Dad even get a few hours in the evening to watch a movie, read, play farmtown......
We're looking forward to our next big adventure: Traveling with JJ. We have a trip to NY planned for this summer and a week in Sedona planned for the fall....
Can I hide in your luggage?! I would LOOOOOVE to go see Jim and Judy and the lake. Sigh.
Fun fun! The video of Plankton with his grandpa is great! Wow! J and his dad sound sooooooooooooo much alike!
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