Wt: 20.4 pounds (46%)
Length: 30 inches (92%)
Head Circ: 18inches (68%)
He has hit all his milestones and then some :-) Yes, I know I was concerned about a few of them but all is well now (as soon as you say it out loud, they do it). JJ is standing on his own for a moment here and there.....walking is just around the corner.
Look for camping photos soon! We had a lovely labor day weekend of camping. JJ did just wonderfully! he LOVED his canoe ride, playing with his cousin, auntie, and uncle. Going for walks and a ride to walmart to take a nap :-D
We are hoping to continue Stroller Skating and add Kindermusic soon. The busy fall season is upon us: Camping, Camping, Trip to Sedona, More Camping, Halloween, Family Birthdays, Our 13th Anniversary, Thanksgiving, FIRST BIRTHDAY, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Years!
It's the most wonderful time of the year.....
Your family is so beautiful! Congrats on the great check up, and good luck with the baby proofing. Every time you think you're done, they find something else to get into. Loads of love!!
You do realize, don't you, that your 9 month old is only 4 pounds lighter than my 2 year old?! DUDE...you guys know how to feed a kid!!! hahahahaah. I love the photos. :)
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