Thursday, September 17, 2009

On September 15th JJ took his first step!!!!!
Camera was not on but it looked something like this:
He has yet to do it again :-D

Thanks to Auntie Liz, JJ looked ADORABLE at Stroller Skate today. Hawaiian Shirt and Cargo Shorts on a 9 month old are just TOO CUTE!

JJ's favorite toys right now are WHEELS (cars, trucks and strollers), he loves to spin them and eat them. I had no idea that wheels were so amazing.....


Teresa said...

Hooray! Big boy walking! (okay, stepping . . . okay step. but still, YAY!!!!!)

Give him a few more months and bigger stroller, and you can ride in peace reading your book, while he pushes you around. doesn't that sound nice?

Liz G. said...

I was going to say that the outfit looks adorable - and familiar!!

He's just too cute for TV - and I MUST see him soon!!