Nine Month Check Up:
Wt: 20.4 pounds (46%)
Length: 30 inches (92%)
Head Circ: 18inches (68%)
He has hit all his milestones and then some :-) Yes, I know I was concerned about a few of them but all is well now (as soon as you say it out loud, they do it). JJ is standing on his own for a moment here and there.....walking is just around the corner.
Look for camping photos soon! We had a lovely labor day weekend of camping. JJ did just wonderfully! he LOVED his canoe ride, playing with his cousin, auntie, and uncle. Going for walks and a ride to walmart to take a nap :-D
We are hoping to continue Stroller Skating and add Kindermusic soon. The busy fall season is upon us: Camping, Camping, Trip to Sedona, More Camping, Halloween, Family Birthdays, Our 13th Anniversary, Thanksgiving, FIRST BIRTHDAY, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Years!
It's the most wonderful time of the year.....