This should have been another post with belly photos but it's a photo of PLANKTON!
I went into labor at 4am on Dec. 1st. Baby arrived at 12:45am on Dec. 2nd. It was a LONG labor but went very well. We labored at home and at the birthing center. Jason was with me every second....he was amazing! It was an unbelieveable experience. Hard, long, painful and incredibly beautiful.
Baby popped out BLUE, he just wouldn't breathe....the midwives revived him and then we opened his eyes and passed out again....so he and Daddy took a ride with WONDERFUL EMTs to the hospital (while I rested for a few hours and then went to the hospital). He is being very well taken care of at the NICU. I finally got to hold him today and sounds like he'll be able to eat tomorrow. It is our great hope that he will be home this weekend. I am so ready to have him home and in my arms.
We're still coping and in survival mode around here but can't wait to be ready for visitors and enjoying our new life as a family of three.
He is beautiful! I hope you will be able to bring him home soon. You will all be in my prayers, I know how hard it is to leave your baby int he NICU and go home, mine were in for 3 weeks.
It helped when I'd get up in the middle of the night to pump to call and check on them. I was a total momma hen...
Tell Baby Jay that all of his knitting Aunties want him to come out and play. He probably won't touch the ground until he is old enough to carry us!
Rest and recover. We will behave until you give us the all clear to come and love all over him.
Congrats to you two! :D
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